1. General

These are the terms of use that govern your access or usage of our website www.Pragyamkitchenware.com and as well. The domain name www.Pragyamkitchenware.com (hereinafter referred to as “Web site”) is completely owned by Pragyamkitchenware.com.

Please give a keen read to the terms and policies as the use of our application and website is governed by our terms and policies as mentioned by the terms of reference. Your use of our site will signify your acceptance to the Terms of our Service and PRIVACY POLICY. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you can exit www.Pragyamkitchenware.com.

We reserve the right to change the Terms of Use and Privacy and Policy at any point of time without any notification to you.

For the purpose of these Terms of Use, wherever the context so requires “You” or “User” shall mean any natural or legal person who has agreed to use the Web site to browse or buy products. Whereas,“We” or “Us”stands for www.Pragyamkitchenware.com

2. Usage or Access

We may access your details through your Facebook/Google+/email account if you link your respective account to your www.Pragyamkitchenware.com profile. You thus grant us permission to access your account as well as some information available.

www.Pragyamkitchenware.com will post on your behalf, only with the rights given to www.Pragyamkitchenware.com to access and your expressed permission and the post can be revoked at any time by you.

We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your Pragyamkitchenware.com account if the personal information provided by you during the registration process proves to be incorrect, incomplete or obsolete.

You own the sole responsibility of safeguarding your password. You agree that you will not disclose your password to anybody. You can immediately notify us in case of any unauthorized usage of your Pragyamkitchenware.com account.

3. Communications

By using this Website, you give your consent to be contacted for the purposes of clarification calls. The information provided by you will be governed by the Privacy Policy in case of sharing and we assure that the contact information of yours will not be given to the third parties not connected with the Web site.

4. Copyright

We are the licensee of all the intellectual property rights in the service and the entire material published on it. All the works are protected by the copyright laws and existing treaties across the world. Therefore, all such rights are reserved. You are allowed to download extracts and print off one copy of any pages from the website services for your personal reference. But, any of the print off or download of the services should not be in breach of the terms of use. If such is found to happen then your right to use the services will cease immediately and you will have to destroy or return the copies of the materials at our opinion. You must not modify the digital copies of any material that has been downloaded or printed off from our website. Also, any illustrations, videos, graphics or any photographs must not be used separately from the accompanying text. We respect the intellectual belongings of others. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement then please contact us at the address written below the heading “Contact Us.” While your communication during any registration, message or chat area or posting any other content, you represent and permit that: (1) you own all the rights to use it as provided in this Terms of Service; (2) all information you provide is accurate, current and true, and does not violate the Terms of Service; and, (3) the content will not cause harm injury to any entity or person. You must use your own legal name. For all such information, you grant us, a non-exclusive right and license to copy, modify, archive, distribute, reproduce and use such information, in any form.

5. Disclaimer

Functions and features may not be fully operational while the services are under some upgrades. www.Pragyamkitchenware.com doesn’t accept any liability for omissions and errors to any information provided to you. We do not hold any responsibility for any sort of damage or loss of data caused to your computer systems from any download done by you through the website. We also disclaim the liability with respect to the loss, misuse, unavailability or modification of any user content. Furthermore, we do not assure that the information posted is accurate or correct in every case. Owing to any typographical error, technical fault or product information published, there may be an incorrect reflection of price of any products and in such an event seller may cancel your respective order(s).

The content on the web site is summarized and general in nature and is provided for informational purposes only. Any information provided does not constitute any professional advice, or any kind of recommendations.

You hereby give us the database rights you have in your information, with respect to your information thereby enabling us to use the information for the purpose of providing the Services.

Any opinions stated on the Site are the opinions of the authors. Dependence on any information provided by other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk.

6. Compulsions

You are a restricted user of this Web site.

You are bound not to copy, modify, distribute, recreate, disseminate, publish, post, or transfer any information or software found from the Web site. For the removal of doubt, copying of the content for commercial purposes and unwarranted alteration of any information within the content of the web site is not permitted.

You hereby agree not to access the Web site by any means other than through the interface that is provided by the Web site.

While uploading or posting any information on website, you undertake to ensure that the content is not offensive and in absolute accordance with the applicable laws. We shall have the right to edit or remove any content that is alleged to violate, any applicable law or these Terms of Use. Furthermore, you remain solely liable for the content you post in your private messages or on the website.

7. Government Law

These Terms of Service will be governed by the laws of India. You thus agree that any cause of action, suit or any other legal proceeding, you may have with respect to www.Pragyamkitchenware.com shall be subject to the jurisdiction of courts in Mumbai.

We reserve the right to change these Terms of Service at any time and to notify users of any such changes solely by changing this Terms of Service. Your continued use of the Web site after the posting of any amended Terms of Service shall be taken as your agreement to any such changes. Also, we may deny access to any user at any time without assigning any reason.

We hereby reserve the right to block usage of the Website if any breach of the Terms of Service is caused by a User.